Sunday, March 24, 2013

Morning its Sunday. We are in Guangzhou for the last leg of the trip. I am so eager
to be home. AnnaBelle is doing good. We are working through nighttime sleep
disturbances. Been a little rough. She is smiling and babbling things I cannot
understand. Yesterday on the plane she was talking babble Chinese to the man next to
the window. He pulled the window closed which she didn't approve.  I love
seeing her smile and babble!  Her smile is so sweet. This week we will have a clinic
day, a tb test done, VISA interview and then print the child's vISA. Friday we
come home!!!  There are options for touring each day. 
Milton is stuck in Denver due to a snow storm overnight. Pray he gets home quickly.
He is traveling alone and Joy has been waiting for his return. She was teary when we
did FaceTime.  I'm equally missing her! 
Today I have to get diapers and wipes. That will require a taxi to Walmart. Should
be interesting. 
Our plane was very delayed coming here for a lightening storm. Natasha had a long
delayed flight coming in. 
We are good. I hope this week is Godspeed! 


  1. Thank you for the updates, it's so good to hear how you are doing. What an unbelievable experience for all of you. Praying this week goes quickly and you can enjoy and take it all in while you are there. She is beautiful!!

  2. I just read your past few posts and must say that it brought back a rush of emotions for me. As hard as it is, enjoy that clingy baby and know that she's learning that she can trust you. She is going to love Joy. In fact, she will probably be as comfortable with Joy as she is with you. Hadassah was used to being toted around by older kids and loved it when she saw 3 of her own big toters at home. :)
    I'm praying for you.
