So many "first" for us this year! December was such a fun month!
November and December happenings..
FIRST... Trip to Denver to see Natasha and visit CCAI (our adoption agency) to meet everyone, first Thanksgiving, first Christmas lights and wrapping gifts, first gingerbread house with Joy & Dad, first time to make ornaments and Christmas crafts and gingerbread cookies, first snow tubing day, first Christmas!
AnnaBelle loves pumpkin pie and sweet potatoes.
Joy loves pumpkin pie and candy canes.
Christmas has been spread over several days so the unwrapping has been great. AnnaBelle quickly learned the fun and took it all in! She learned to sing a few partial Christmas songs. "O come wet us ador him" which was so sweet.
Thanks be to God for his wonderful gift, Jesus!!
It has been so fun to have the girls home together. Last year, hanging AnnaBelles stocking and having Christmas without her was so hard. She was a world away. This year, she is home, happy & healthy!
It's hard to believe but we have been home ten months. The time home has passed quickly and AnnaBelles English has improved and expanded at such a rapid rate! Kids are just amazing and she is so smart. Her sleep has improved and she is growing like crazy! We are nearing the 30# mark from a teensy 19# upon Gotcha day. She has a head full of hair and the same amount of independence. She plays baby dolls and kitchen EVERY day. Joy was laughing in the tub one night at her she was telling Joy they were taking a bath in "Mac n cheese". Such an imagination. Both girls are silly.
I can remember the years when we longed for the love, mess, noise and fun of children! This Christmas I found myself especially tired and thankful! I told Milton in the middle of the chaos one night, "this is just what we prayed for honey".
"Bridges take us safely from one shore to another. They carry us over an expanse we could not cover without their help. As we journey through this life, at times we need a bridge over fears, pains, losses and craziness swirling treacherously around us. God does not promise to remove struggles and
alleviate every roadblock. What he does do is build bridges that will carry us to joy, hope and heaven. The truth is, few of us comprehend the cost and sacrifice God has paid to build the bridges for us to cross." Ann Voskamp 1000 gifts. I am especially thankful this season for the bridges God has built in my life helping me cross over to a place of peace, healing and joy for the now times!
My siblings were all home for the holiday which was great. The cousins had fun together! My girls are tired out from all the fun.
Merry Christmas!