We have had sweet AnnaBelle for four months now! Where has the time gone? I could say so much..
Sometime I watch the girls play and cannot believe she is home. She is here!
I can remember when Milton and I longed for a family and spent so many years on our infertility journey. Years. Years. It was such a hard longing to be want to be a mom and it was out of reach. Out of my control. It's a natural instinct to want to be a mom, I believe. And we couldn't make it happen. People have too much advice sometime and no one could change it. He had a plan. And God decided to grow our family a different way after our baby girl was stillborn in my second trimester. Such a painful time. He has since used our story of loss to glorify Him. God is good. He is kind. He never leaves us. Life is hard. Sometime our five year plan doesn't work out! Sometime our ten year plan doesn't work out! God always has a plan. He has a good one. He wrote our life story before the foundations of the earth. Ephesians 2. He has proven himself gracious and constant in my life, regardless of my performance or reaction.
Having a family seemed impossible. Then Joy was born in our hearts and into our arms through adoption in 09. In 2011 we began the international adoption process for Sister. AnnaBelle aka Sister came home in March of this year. It seemed impossible that she would ever be in our arms. But she is! She is lovely. She is lively. She is silly and sassy. She is bossy and affectionate. Sometime life does seem impossible. What we are waiting for seems impossible. Hold onto Jesus..wait with Him as he makes a way through the muck and mess. I was thinking about AnnaBelle the other night laying with her. She takes a long time to go to sleep. There are insecurities we are working through relative to sleep. But I was thinking since March 18th she has went to sleep with her mommy beside her. So for 130 nights she has felt the comfort of a full belly, love and affection, a full milk bottle to herself, soft blankies..her very own baby doll and heard many prayers and songs. I feel like we are making a way through the wilderness and making gains! She has started saying "Mei Mei's room" and taking ownership of her room, bed and toys. From previous living conditions of having nothing that belonged to her, what a precious sound and concept! She adores Joy. She smiles SO big when Joy holds her. She calls hold me.."ba bo". She tells Joy "ba bo- ba bo" and Joy pleased picks her up and hauls her around for as LONG as she can! AnnaBelle is weighing a hearty 25# from all the watermelon, fish, chicken, pasta, French fries, Popsicles, Gatorade, bananas, bread, green beans she is eating. And chips & cauliflower. She is serious about eating and upon crawling into her booster she says "no help me do it" she is ready to eat!! She is more secure than ever before. Pictures from our July-August summer months...
Her new car came by way of Dad, this Dad loves his girls. Used but new to her. New without stickers. :) NWOS. She loves it. "Fix it" she says holding Joys toolbox of toy tools. She fixes it and washes it, pushes it and it is "Mei Mei's car". She is unable to share that car. Its just not possible. Sorry folks. Maybe someday.